Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu (2025)

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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: DenYuDen, DenYuuDen, Densetsu no Yusha no Densetsu, LOLH

Japanese: 伝説の勇者の伝説

English: The Legend of the Legendary Heroes

Spanish: La Leyenda de los Héroes Legendarios

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Type: TV

Episodes: 24

Status: Finished Airing

Aired: Jul 2, 2010 to Dec 17, 2010

Premiered: Summer 2010

Broadcast: Fridays at 02:15 (JST)

Producers: Lantis, Media Factory, Kadokawa Contents Gate, Fujimi Shobo

Licensors: Funimation

Studios: Zexcs

Source: Light novel

Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy

Theme: Military

Duration: 23 min. per ep.

Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)


Score: 7.501 (scored by 139,555 users)

1 indicates a weighted score.

Ranked: #19612

2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.

Popularity: #824

Members: 311,742

Favorites: 2,015

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Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu



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Jan 19, 2011



These days we often misuse words in ways that sometimes don't make sense. Take "epic" for example, and think about all of the occasions where the term has been applied as a colloquialism that simply means "I enjoyed it" , "it was very good", or some other sentiment along those lines. It's actually surprising how many people don't know the meaning or usage of the word, but rather than comment on the failure of education systems, let's have a look at how "epic" applies to an anime like Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu (or The Legend of the Legendary Heroes, whatever floats your boat).

The original ...

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Mar 24, 2014


Not Recommended

I often think that as long as I know what to expect from a show, it couldn’t disappoint me. First impressions from the title alone gave a sense it was trying too hard to be epic, but that didn’t matter since I expected “Legend of the Legendary Heroes” to be a fun, clichéd romp. But instead of creating a brainless fantasy flick for dumb people like myself, the show adopts a taste for complexities with writing that leaves a bad taste.

The story opens with two of the three main characters, the wizard Ryner and the knight Ferris, as they journey across the continent of Menoris ...

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Nov 6, 2010



[Edit Part A: This original review was written on the basis of what I have seen up until episode 18 and around that episode the anime had two options 1. stick with the original novel, which has a sequel to it and continue with it or 2. going for an "anime-only" ending with 8 episodes to spare (26 episodes). I would recommend not to read Edit Part B at the end of the original review, unless you want to.]

Okay I admit, the title is a bit... I mean it's really something that can put you off. Add to that, a very very ordinary first ...

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Feb 8, 2011



Titles are essential in most forms of entertainment in order to draw attention. Titles, however, can also be misleading. Such was the case for me and the anime series entitled The Legend of the Legendary Heroes. It may be have been just me, but for some reason I did not find the title to be particularly appealing and it certainly did not paint an image that seemed interesting to me—it felt too simple, too exaggerated. Then again, titles can be misleading.

The Legend of the Legendary Heroes is a fantasy piece—a tale of magic and war in land inspired by Europe during the Middle Ages. It ...

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Dec 18, 2010


Mixed Feelings

The unique (and corny) name is what got my interest in this anime. I read the description looking forward to a great plot that contained fantasy and adventure, but it ended up with trite comedy, disappointment and magic tricks.

Story: 6/10

General Scenario:

The beginning (first two episodes) was dare I say, terrible? It's most likely to turn viewers off leaving them to think "I'll pass". It jumps around, confusing the viewer instead of being intriguing. The story contains Ryner Lute being a lazy student and Ryner as well as Ferris searching for relics. It's much more than that but unfortunately it doesn't evolve everything it introduces. For ...

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Aug 27, 2010



Preliminary (9/24 eps)

This is the very first review i made on this site, so please dont kill me.

When i just saw this anime, and base only in his title, i really dont expect anything beyond decent.

Fortunally i was wrong, and maybe my rate on this anime is strongly based on that, dont get me wrong, it is good, but the low expectative that i have at first help to rate it high.

So ok, the history itself its nothing special, a prince that want to become king to help his people and his friend that hides his real power in a medieval world with magic and monster.

The really ...

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Dec 16, 2010


Not Recommended

'Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu (Legend of the Legendary Heroes)' is a medieval fantasy adventure about Ryner Lute, a social outcast born with powerful magic eyes, and his friend the new king Sion Astral's quest to end all wars.

It's impossible to watch this show without being reminded of similar themed series. For example, the magical medieval setting of 'Scrapped Princess', art style of 'Koukaku no Regios', magic eyes of 'Code Geass', and knighthood and characters of 'Fate/stay night". However, this show had the mother of all premises by blending all the best qualities from such series with an interesting mission of collecting "Hero's Relics".
With such ...

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Mar 9, 2014



The synopsis for this anime really does it no justice, there is much more going on then them just searching for relics. Honestly, the relic searching did not really last all that long. One thing that stood out to me in this anime is it was actually very funny, there should have been a comedy genre added, however, comedy was not the only thing that caught my attention.

The premise of the story could seem a bit cliche, there are quite a few other anime where the main has an incredible power and has to overcome the effects of a past that held ...

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Dec 16, 2010



Densetsu no yuusha no Densetsu(The legend of the legendary heroes) seems to be very good at leaving bad first impressions. I mean, just by looking at the name, generic character designs, boring looking synopsis and a badly done first episode, it is very easy to dismiss the series as an uninteresting fantasy based around the same old beaten-to-the-death ideas. But here's the thing, although the name suggests otherwise, deep down Denyuden is a charming series which knows how to take itself seriously.

Based on a novel series which was published in 2002, Denyuden is a story of Ryner Lute, a lazy guy who wants nothing more ...

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Aug 28, 2010



Enter a world of magic & sword fights, corrupt nobles & warring kingdoms.

Meet Sion Astal: his father was a noble and his mother a "commoner." After a twist of fate he ends up taking over the throne and is determined to change the Kingdom of Roland for the better.
It sounds very cliche at this point and all (and there's no reason why one wouldn't think that) but don't let that turn you off.

The anime keeps it happy and fun be following the journey of Ryner Lute and Ferris Eris whom -under Sion's orders- are on a "secret mission" to seek out the Legendary Hero relics ...

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Jan 6, 2015


Mixed Feelings

Let's get this out of the way first. The name. Legend of the legendary heroes? It must be a translation mistake right? I'm sure no one would call out the translators if it was just shortened to Legendary Heroes.

So a couple years ago I got the entire series for FREE on itunes. Thats right folks it didn't even cost me a dime. Like any anime fan I downloaded it without a second thought, I didn't even look at the summary. But after 15 minutes of the first episode I turned off my computer and walked away, never turning back to see the rest of ...

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Oct 3, 2010



Preliminary (Unknown/24 eps)

To be honest from the get go , there is something about this anmie , that pulls you in from the very start.The fact , that im writing this review after viewing only handful of episodes , speaks volumes in and of its self.

The story is well done , with just the right amounts of drama , intrigue , romance , love , comedy and light hearted or bittersweet moments to hold your attention.

I ...

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Feb 4, 2011



The End

In this world there are many legends. The legend of Zelda, the legend of Excalibur, the legend of leisure suit Larry. Likewise it also isn’t usual for many Legends to carry hero in their titles; Legend of Condor heroes and the legend of Galactic heroes are two good examples of this particular trend. However, this series I’m about to review (in my now trademarked half-assed style) does what very few series before have dared to do. It gives itself a name so damn awesome you’ll cream yourself every time you think about it. Welcome to Legend of the Legendary Heroes (DenYuDen!).


With a name as ...

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Feb 15, 2013



Also known as Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu, an anime with a silly name if ever there was one. Now where to begin with this one? Densetsu starts off pretty straightforward- a magical fantasy with sword fights, a quest for powerful items, blah dee blah blah, been there, done that. Nothing new. However, I have to admit that my expectations were soon blown out of the water when the show escalated into something much darker and much more ambitious than what it first seemed. To anybody who starts off the series all I can say ...

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Aug 7, 2010



Preliminary (6/24 eps)

Note: I'm reviewing this anime according to my liking and personal tastes , thus is subjective >-< Don't blame me for it.

The story is set in a world with kingdoms and kings , maybe this is why I started watching this . Even though the 1st ep starts in the middle of action and battle , the following episodes explain in quite well how did Ryner and Sion meet in a military school , how they become friends , it shows Sion's past too thus why he wanted to become king in the first place. Sion's process of becoming the king was a a surprise ...

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Nov 7, 2010



Preliminary (18/24 eps)

Truly, only one word can be used to describe this anime: legendary.
Jokes about the name aside, this is a truly enjoyable show, has a pretty high entertainment value. Perhaps I found it good because I came in with such low expectations after reading the name, but I can definitely say that I was pleasantly surprised. Truly, one shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.
I would say that as of the 18 episodes that I personally have watched, the story has been interesting and captivating. Although some might argue that parts of it are similar to other shows, it seems pretty unique ...

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Apr 20, 2015



This is the very first anime that has inspired me to write a review, and I have watched MANY anime over the years. It isn't necessarily the best anime I have watched nor is it my favorite, but despite this fact it was one of the more compelling and intriguing series that I have watched. This is very surprising to me, because I found many flaws in the way it was executed.

Densetsu's first flaw, and arguably its largest is the pacing of the story. For the first half of the anime not much happens. The anime comes off as cliche, repetitive. Ryner, the male ...

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Jan 1, 2016



From the title itself, you must have figured out that the anime "Legend of the Legendary Heroes" tries too hard.
I was sucked into watching this anime over a couple other I had on my mind because of its setting. I really like the kingdom setting where is conflict between the different nations as well as inside one empire. The Legend of the Legendary Heroes is just that.

The idea for the series, while nothing original, is really intriguing. But the execution was in one word - BAD.

I will divide this review into two parts, the good and the bad of the anime.


Nothing is ...

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Dec 6, 2010



Preliminary (21/24 eps)

Story:It seemed like the first episode was one from the middle of the series beucase the introducion of the characters and the story was lack but i saw potencial in this anime so i kept on watching episode after episode,it wasn't the best thing iv ever seen but i still kept watching beucase i want to know the ending and somewhere between episode 6 and 10 the story got really interesting,even thought this anime has magic powers in it,its not cliche at all beucase the realism of the drama,characters and the events that happern beucase of people wanting and having powers.I give the story a ...

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Jul 15, 2011



The Legend of the Legendary Heroes is a surprising show in that it has quite a bit to offer that one most likely wouldn't have expected on a quick glance. On the surface it is a typical shounen action anime involving magical attacks and a search for mystical objects, and to some extent that is true. However, once the story begins unraveling, and it happens pretty quickly, Legendary Heroes shows that it has much more to offer than fighting and quirky antics.

The show starts off in the middle of the protagonist's, Ryner Lute, journey for the "Relics of Heroes," a mysterious collection of artifacts that ...

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.